1. LOANS: Together with a partner, GAIA can also provide the following services: a. Short-term financing (up to 360 days) b. Long-term financing – from 2 years and above What is required to access your eligibility: - Equipment supplies the customer wants to buy - Volume of deal (EUR, USD) - Timing - Origin/manufacturers Info we'll need: - Full Name - Webpage - CEO - Audited financials Please feel free to contact us for further information. 2. BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) Together with a partner, GAIA also has access to a $500m global investment fund. The fund is a financial partner's non-recourse equity investment – this partner makes a minority investment in the project, as well as providing DBO and Operations and Maintenance services. Investments are made on a Build-Order-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) structure. Please feel free to contact us for further information. Financing Biogas and/or Wastewater Treatment Project

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